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Velux Skylights
Let the Light in!
Skylights are the Solution for Homes That Need More Light
The reasons why your home is "too dark" are many: the contractor did not put in enough windows, you're forced to keep the blinds down because of peeping Toms or nosy neighbors, or your lovely little cabin is nestled so far back in the woods, it's hard to tell the cabin from the forest. The reasons don't really matter, the bottom line is the same. You have Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), or it's too dark. Your plants won't grow. You can't see. You need more light, but a lower electricity bill. You worship the sun! Regardless of the reason, you want more sunlight. Oh, what could the solution be?
Skylights, of course! Skylights are the time honored way to add natural sunlight to a home that, whatever the cause, lacks having enough. Traditional skylights are essentially windows in the roof. Regardless of the roofing materials with which your home's roof is made, it's almost always possible for someone with experience in skylight installs to handle the installation for you. Skylights brighten houses with dark rooms and corners, add light in places where it is impractical to install a window, and do not require you to sacrifice your privacy in the least. Additionally, they are a "green" source of lighting as they harness the sun's solar power, and unlike electric lights, the light they provide once installed doesn't cost a penny.
Traditional Skylights
Skylights are particularly appreciated in kitchens and bathrooms, but are equally useful in pantries, walk-in closets, storage rooms, garages, bonus rooms, stairways, hallways and any other area of the house where natural light is desired or additional light is required. Even homes that do have a sufficiency of windows and light are enhanced by the directional fill lighting provided by skylights. Such light not only confers a sense of spacious openness, but is a boon to house plants that need a quantity of indirect lighting in order to thrive.
Occasionally, depending upon the location where you desire a skylight, or upon the specifics of your roof's design at that location, it may be that a reflective tunnel is a better choice of natural light for your circumstance than a roof window-style skylight. Reflective tunnels are newer to the home improvement market than skylights, and not all people are familiar with the benefits they offer. Also called solar tubes, or sun tunnels, a reflective tunnel, in essence, takes the sun above and channels it into use as a light fixture within your home.
Like regular skylights, sun tunnels come with integrated flashing to insure they will never leak. They consist of highly reflective inflexible tubing that extends from the shingled area of your roof through to the ceiling of the area in which it is installed. The tube "collects" the sun's rays from every conceivable angle and concentrates them into a light source that appears much as an electric light would look, only the quality of the light is totally natural, and there is no electricity involved in its use. Quality solar tubes even provide significant light on overcast days!